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The Hair transplantation prices are the most curious subject for who wants to have it. Hair is the most important element of aestetichal and physical appearance for both sides
Botox and Fillers are the applications that treat wrinkles, sagging and lines on our skin. It is very popular applications for men and women.
The formation of skin cells caused not only because of the aging but also because of the stress, sun rays, smoke, air pollution, nutrition, hormonal factors and menopause. Aging is inevitable, but it is possible fix it by some interventions.
Botox and Fillers Provides The Skin Balance
The structure of the skin and aging vary from person to person. Some people have more problem on the skin while at the others the genetic features, nutrition. lifestyle, and healthier environmental factors may cause fewer wrinkles.
Botox is applied under the skin and block the muscles. The mimics will be blocked and the wrinkles wont can appear. The effect of Botox you can see only in the area where the doctor applied it. The botox can be applied in such areas as: around the eyes, around the mouth and lips, forehead lines. However, under the eyes wrinkles, because the skin is too thin we dont apply botox but fıllers.
The botox and fillers can be applied together if the wrinkles on the forehead area are deeper than the line. If you have advanced wrinkles, the fıllers can be applied.
Botox and fillers complementary applications
Botox and filler are not alternatives to each other. In most of the cases it should be applied together. These two applications also create rejuvenation on the skin. It is fast and effective methods, and it is preferred as non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures.
* "Clostridium botulinum" is a medical protein produced in the laboratory.
* Botox is preferred for wrinkles which are caused by overwork of the subcutaneous muscles.
It blocks the subcutaneous muscles.
* Effect starts in 3 days, exactly 10 days settled in the face.
* Persistence lasts between 4 - 6 months.
* The most common areas: frown lines, forehead lines and eye edges.
* It is a gel which are used under the skin, prepared from hyaluronic acid.
* It is made for deeper wrinkles and skin pits that do not originate from the subcutaneous muscle.
* Increases volume on skin.
* 80% of the fillers effect is seen immediately, 100% within 10 days.
* The effect of fillers application lasts between 6-24 months.
* Most commonly used regions: between lip and nose wrinkles, lip flanks, fine lines above the lip, lower-upper lip plumping, cheek filling, cheekbones prominent, eye pits.
Botox and filler applications should be definitely done by an expert. You should be informed about which area and how much Botox and fıllers will be used. If the medicine is uknown and specialist is not good you should not give the permission to apply it. Unfortunately, there is no return after unsuccessful procedure that can cause serious health problems.
We recommend you to work with a secure institution, as the priority is health.
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